Sponsor Individual Items
Choose from over 35 sponsorship items, including ceremonies, networking events, lanyards, goodies, and much more.

Position your brand as a leader in the public transport sector.
There are three ways to make your organisation stand out at the UITP Summit:
Choose from over 35 sponsorship items, including ceremonies, networking events, lanyards, goodies, and much more.
The premium option for showcasing your brand. Create your own package which can consist of: sponsorship items, exhibition space, or passes.
Showcase your products, network with current and new customers, and boost brand awareness by becoming an exhibitor.
Engage with a global audience of 10,000 participants from 110 countries, 350 exhibitors, and 250 journalists.
Engage with a high-profile global audience, including many UITP members, and unlock exclusive opportunities to drive business growth. Build valuable alliances, generate quality leads, and position your organisation at the forefront of the public transport sector.
Present your brand to an international audience of industry professionals, enhancing visibility and establishing your organisation as a leader in the public transport sector. Boost brand awareness, highlight your expertise, and create valuable opportunities.
Associate your brand with quality and excellence through an event renowned for its high-quality conference sessions and extensive reach among urban mobility experts. Strengthen your reputation and gain unparalleled exposure as a key player in the sector.
Many packages and items are sold out or under option. Contact us today to secure your place.
Ready to become a partner or sponsor? Our team will help you select the best options to meet your objectives.
Doriano Angotzi
Senior Manager – Product & Business Development Unit